Permatex® MotoSeal® 1 Ultimate Gasket Maker Grey, 80ml

SKU : PX29132
Product Description

Permatex MotoSeal Gasket Maker Grey was designed for two and four cycle engines Ideal to use on motorcycle case halves and carburetor gaskets. It forms a solvent based, tough, flexible bond within 20 minutes. This unique Gasket Maker forms a tough flexible bond that is highly effective on irregular or uneven joint surfaces.


1Ideal for use on frequently disassembled engines, as well as two and four cylinder engines

2Fully seals within 20 minutes

3Forms a tough, flexible bond that is highly effective on irregular and uneven joint surfaces

4Withstands temperatures to 350°F continuous, 400°F

5Resists gasoline and other damaging fluids

Transmission case halves, valve covers, center and end covers (transmissions), crank case halves, cam covers, timing chain cases, primary drives, side covers, and clutch housings.

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