Permatex® Cold Weld 2 Part Epoxy, 28g

SKU: PX14600
Product Description

Permatex Cold Weld Bonding Compound is a 15-minute, two-part adhesive and filler system that eliminates the need for welding or brazing. It repairs, fills and bonds to iron, steel, brass, bronze, aluminum and copper. Once cured, it can be drilled, tapped, threaded, filed, sanded and painted.

• Two-part adhesive and filler system that eliminates the need for welding or brazing
• Dries dark grey
• Resistant to anti-freeze, fuel, oil, water and other automotive fluids
• Can be drilled, filed and threaded
• Up to 3000 PSI strength on steel
Aluminum, steel, brass, bronze, castings and stampings

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